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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Prepare Your Home for Strong Thunderstorms | SERVPRO of Houston County

6/17/2024 (Permalink)

lightning strike across stormy purple sky Whether its storm damage cleanup or restoration, SERVPRO of Houston County is ready to respond in a moments notice to your call.
Understanding the Impact of Thunderstorms

Thunderstorms are a force of nature that can wreak havoc on your home if you’re not prepared. From damaging winds to lightning strikes and flooding, these storms pack a powerful punch that can leave a trail of destruction in their wake. According to research by the National Severe Storms Laboratory, thunderstorms can produce winds exceeding 50 miles per hour and hailstones larger than golf balls, posing a serious threat to property and safety.

Steps to Protect Your Home
  1. Secure Outdoor Items: Before a storm hits, it’s essential to secure outdoor furniture, toys, and equipment that could become projectiles in strong winds. According to a study published by the American Meteorological Society, unsecured objects can cause significant damage during severe weather events.

  2. Trim Trees and Branches: Overhanging branches and dead trees are potential hazards during thunderstorms. A report by the International Journal of Wildland Fire highlights the importance of regular tree maintenance to minimize the risk of falling limbs damaging your home.

  3. Inspect Your Roof: A well-maintained roof is your first line of defense against storm damage. Research from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) emphasizes the importance of inspecting your roof for loose or damaged shingles and repairing them promptly to prevent water leaks during heavy rain.

  4. Check Your Gutters: Clogged gutters can lead to water pooling around your home’s foundation, increasing the risk of flooding. The National Weather Service recommends cleaning your gutters regularly and ensuring they are free of debris to allow proper drainage during storms.

  5. Invest in Surge Protection: Lightning strikes can cause power surges that damage electrical appliances and systems in your home. According to a study by the National Lightning Safety Council, installing surge protectors can safeguard your electronics from potential damage.

Stay Safe with SERVPRO of Houston County

By following these proactive steps, you can minimize the risk of storm damage to your home and keep your family safe during severe weather events.

Remember, preparation is key to weathering the storm and reducing the potential for costly repairs. For professional assistance with storm damage restoration and cleanup, trust the experts at SERVPRO of Houston County.

Stay safe and be prepared!

Visit SERVPRO of Houston County’s website to learn more about our services

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